Monday, September 26, 2016

Tarot for Life (Reflection Questions)

The Hierophant

1. What doctrine or philosophy guides your life?
In a world that seems to be overwrought by judgement and those more than ready to bestow it upon others, I have developed a philosophy to help deal with it. Judgement should not be made until both sides have been examined, and even then it should be used with the utmost discretion. I personally have gained much better relationships with other people just by following that one belief.
2. Which of your family or religious traditions do you find most meaningful?
This may sound just a bit odd, but for some reason, I find my family tradition of having Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve as well as eating Thanksgiving dinner twice on the same day. Now that I am writing it out, I suddenly realize that I was born into a very impatient and hungry family.
3. At whose feet would you cherish the opportunity to sit and learn?
I would cherish the opportunity to sit and learn at the feet of the one and only Sherlock Holmes. But if I have to be realistic, I would accept the feet of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Either way, I simply desire to learn Sherlock's most powerful weapon: his mind. More than anything, I wish that I had at least half of his power of observation.
4. What is the best advice you ever gave or received?
"Keep your heels, head, and standards high"
5. What beliefs or ideas would you like to transmit to others?
I would want to transmit the idea that money and popularity can only get someone so far in life. One needs to have motivation as well in order to get far in life.
6. What long-held beliefs or values no longer serve you?
I used to believe that striving to obtain the American Dream would make me happy later on in the future. I once thought that having a big ol' house with a nice car parked in the garage, a white picket fence, and a rich husband was going to be the main goal in my life until I found out the hard way that the American Dream is mostly just false advertisement meant to lull people to this land. That is no longer the case as I have rerouted my goal to simply having a life that makes me happy and makes me feel some sense of completion, no matter what form it manifests itself.

The Magician

1. What was your greatest inspiration?
My greatest inspiration off the top of my head would be Tom and Jerry from my childhood cartoon. Yes, they would beat each other up in ways more painful than the last, but you know what? In every episode, both Tom and Jerry get right back up every time no matter how much pain they were in and they often found a way to work together towards a common goal or manage to stay friends. I could not have asked for a better source of inspiration.
2. What would you like to attract and manifest?
I would like to be able to attract success and good fortune, but who wouldn't?
3. What specific skills or abilities would you like to develop?
I would really like to further my ability to empathize with other people instead of merely sympathizing. I want to be the type of person that people feel more comfortable with because they would know that I could connect with them on a deeper level.
4. When have you deliberately redirected your thoughts and achieved new results?
I remember that almost four years ago, I was set on becoming a veterinarian. I had gone on tours of veterinarian schools, I was in the process of an application for a pre-vet camp, and I had even tried to figure out what classes I needed to take in high school in order to make my application more impressive. I was going to be the next Jane Goodall. I have no idea when, but at some point, I started to notice that I would get a feeling of dread whenever I saw all of the required math and science classes.
5. In what area are your powers of focus and concentration strongest?
I am not exactly sure where exactly I stand when it comes to focus and concentration. On the one hand, there are times when I all I can think about is getting a task done and nothing can get in my way. On the other, I sometimes have the mental capacity of a squirrel... what was I talking about again?
6. When have you expressed the shadow aspect of the Magician and overestimated your ability to control or influence a situation?
There was this one time in my senior year of high school where I was working on a final project for my mythology class. I had come up with a few brainstorms of what it might look like depending on who did what or what aspects of mythology we were going to use. Then I made the mistake of overestimating how much time this project was going to take and ended up procrastinating until the very last week before it was due. By then, I was scrambling to get everything done and trying to regain control of my quickly disbanding group before everyone in it decided to go with a different idea. Long story short, I screwed up real bad (even if I did end up with an A in the class).

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