Wednesday, September 7, 2016

About Me

Hello beautiful readers!

My name is Thaisha Belis and I am currently an undergrad at Salem State University. My major is Theatre with a technical concentration, but I plan on maybe adding a double in Communications with a media arts concentration.

I am a former army brat, so I was conceived in South Korea, born in Texas, lived in Germany for a year, and currently residing in the state of Massachusetts. I went to Boston Latin School for six years and graduated with a class of 410 students in my senior grade alone. During my final year, I was one of twenty-five seniors within my school's Capstone program. For those of you who do not know, a Capstone is basically an intensive, year-long project that focuses on a thesis created by yourself. It is very independent and at the end of the year, we all gave a Tedx Talk in front of the school. I chose to focus on the psychological effect of color on an audience with the focus being film culture. Color psychology is a topic near and dear to my heart so always expect me to make a comment when talking about that particular subject. Feel free to check out my website but beware that I am constantly making changes/improvements whenever I have time:

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Although I plan on joining a local coven, --shouldn't be too difficult to find in Salem-- I am a self-proclaimed eclectic pagan. All that basically means is that a majority of my beliefs stem from basic  Wiccan culture with the subcategories: Dianic Wicca (all things feminine), Stregharian Tradition (focus on herbal knowledge), Hellenic (Greek culture/deities) but I also include elements of South/east Asian religion such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Shintoism. So as you can see, I am all over the place. I have such varied beliefs because I find it impossible to be able to say "I like this entire religious philosophy. I am going to stick to this one and only this one for the rest of my life".

Since this blog site is for my First Year Seminar: What's in the Cards, I am obviously going to be posting my responses to the homework assignments as this is the main function of this site. You and I are going to be seeing a lot of each other for the next several months, so don't get too bored along the way.

Blessed be!

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