Friday, December 16, 2016

Tarot Spreads

Before I started taking my Tarot class, I practiced using the Celtic Cross spread since it was the only one that my little pamphlet explained in detail. I had no idea that there was a three card spread--it would have made my life so much easier if I started with the simpler version first. Oh well. 

Which spread do I prefer? It really depends on what kind of reading that I am doing. If someone comes to me with a dream that they wish to be interpreted, the three-card is ideal. If a non-believer or newbie asks for a reading, the Celtic Cross spread gives me more of a chance to wow them with the analysis that the cards provide, seeing as how it gets more in depth with more cards to read. I have found that a general rule of thumb is to use the Celtic Cross for complex questions and the Three-card spread for the simple questions. But seeing how I am considered human, sometimes I just am not in the mood to evaluate seven cards, so three is more appealing.

I have also learned that if one really feels the need to get an answer, both spreads can used. For example, if the Empress major arcana card appeared as my "External Influences" in the Celtic Cross, I could then draw three more cards from the deck to glean some more information and hopefully understand the meaning a little bit better.

The person I did a reading for asked the question: Am I going to have a successful college career? I pulled up the following cards:

Three Card Spread Reading

Celtic Cross
1. Empress (upside down)
2. Emperor
3. The Sun
4. Nine of Staves (upside down)
5. The Tower
6. Eight of Cups (upside down)
7. The Angel
8. The Hierophant
9. The Devil
10.The Moon

Both spreads said that she needs to be aware of the present factors that were causing her to not reach her full potential (self-doubt and lack of control in her own life). Both cards even had the Sun for past which has to do with vitality. However, she said that she prefers the results from the Celtic Cross because it gave her clues as to what the external factors/influences and possible outcomes in a better manner than the three card spread. She remarked that the Celtic spread was scarily accurate!

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